Caterina Martinelli

Phd Student in Clinical Physiopathology - Academic Year 2021-2022
Curriculum: Surgery, integrated surgery and anesthesiology
Research project: Nanoparticles applications in liver grafts during normothermic machine perfusion
Supervisor: Prof. Paolo De Simone

Caterina Martinelli is a First Year PhD student in Clinical Physiopathology at the University of Pisa. Her research is based on the use of liver machine perfusion (MP) technologies to improve organ preservation, in particular Hypothermic and Normothermic machine perfusion that could restore damaged organs. She is currently working at the Hepatic Surgery and Liver Transplant Unit of the hospital of Pisa. She is particularly interested in development of novel therapies employed in liver transplantation such as nanoparticles and gene silencing to improve organ quality before transplantation. Other research interests include testing new immunosuppressive drugs like monoclonal therapies in order to reduce organ rejections and side effects of standard therapy.
