Marina Baroni
Phd Student in Clinical Physiopathology - Academic Year 2021-2022
Curriculum: Bio-Psychological and Statistical
Research project: The use of psychoactive substances, behavioral addiction and their potential association with individual attention characteristics: a cross-sectional study among the Italian general population
Supervisor: Dott. Sabrina Molinaro
Marina Baroni is a Ph.D student in Clinical Physiopathology at University of Pisa and a research fellow for the Italian National Research Council, Institute of Clinical Physiology. Her research project consists in the study of the potential associations between deficit of attention, and psychoactive substance use and behavioral addictions. In general, her main research field is the investigation and analysis of risky behaviours among adolescents and the general population. She really appreciates doing research in the field of social epidemiology considering its importance for public health, especially when it comes to prevention and awareness programs.
Scientific Articles
- Orru, G., Baroni, M., Cesari, V., Conversano, C., Hitchcott, P. K., & Gemignani, A. (2019). The effect of single and repeated tDCS sessions on motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease: a systematic review. Archives italiennes de biologie, 157(2-3), 89-101.
- Orrù, G., Cesari, V., Baroni, M., Conversano, C., Ciacchini, R., Menicucci, D., & Gemignani, A. (2020). the application of transcranial direct current stimulation on phantom phenomena. Mediterranean Journal of Clinical Psychology, 8(1).
- Baroni, M., Frumento, S., Cesari, V., Gemignani, A., Menicucci, D., & Rutigliano, G. (2021). Unconscious processing of subliminal stimuli in panic disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 128, 136-151.
- Denoth, F., Biagioni, S., Baldini, F., Baroni, M., Franchini, M., & Molinaro, S. (2022). Weight Categories among Male Adolescents Linked to Risky Behaviors: High or Low BMI, Which Is Worse?. Adolescents, 2(1), 128-139.
Seminars, symposiums, conferences
- Speaker at the Addictus 2021 - 3° Forum Nazionale sulle Dipendenze Patologiche – Riva del Garda (TN) – 3rd-4th-5th December 2021
- marina.baroni@phd.unipi.it
- 3471226179