Serena Musetti

Phd Student in Clinical Physiopathology - Academic Year 2021-2022
Curriculum: Surgical, integrated surgical and anesthesiology
Research project: PROPHYlactic Implantation of BIOlogic Mesh in peritonitis (PROPHYBIOM) Supervisor: Prof.ssa Massimo Chiarugi

Dr. Serena Musetti is a general surgeon, passionate about trauma and emergency surgery. Her research field is focused on emergency surgery; her research project is a prospective, randomized study evaluating the efficacy of the use of biological prothesis implanted as a prophylactic procedure in patients undergoing emergency laparotomies with peritonitis. The aim of her study is to evaluate the possibility to reduce the rate of incisional hernias, which are one of the most frequent complication in surgical contaminated fields.

Scientific Articles

Sereba Musetti publications list
