
Silvia Animali

Phd Student in Clinical Physiopathology - Academic Year 2018-19
Curriculum: Bio-Psychological and Statistical
Research project: Gut and brain: effect of metabolism on visual cortical function. Supervisor: Prof. Paola Binda

Dr Silvia Animali PhD project focuses on the interaction between metabolism and brain plasticity, with particular attention to the impact of different metabolic states (fed vs fasting states) on the plasticity of the adult human visual cortex. At the same time, she studies the Locus Coeruleus system, a part of the brain strictly related to arousal and attention levels and compromised in neurodegenerative disorders, with the aim of characterizing the psychophysiological correlates of its activation and to achieve an index of its integrity. Her current research interests resolves around plasticity of human visual system, gut and Brain axis, binocular rivalry and pupillometry.


