Valentina Cesari
Phd Student in Clinical Physiopathology - Academic Year 2020-2021
Curriculum: Bio-Psychological and Statistical
Research project: CYBORG: Cognitive and psYchological skills enhancement in roBOtic assisted suRGery. Paving the road for excellent robotic surgeons
Supervisor: Prof. Angelo Gemignani
Valentina Cesari is a Ph.D. student in Clinical Physiopathology, Bio-Psychological and Statistical area, at University of Pisa. Her research interests focus on the role of embodiment in enhancing cognitive skills and stress management in robotic assisted surgeons. She is interested in defining professional goals to be reached by novice robotic surgeons and programming personalized interventions aimed at enhancing their crucial skills to reach proficiency. Her research interests include: peripheral and central electrophysiologic correlates of embodiment and cognitive functions; peripheral and central electrophysiological correlates of consciousness and its related non-ordinary states; non-invasive neurostimulation techniques to modulate motor and cognitive functions; the impact of stress on cognitive, emotional and behavioral domains in healthy and psychopathological conditions.
- Baroni, M., Frumento, S., Cesari, V., Gemignani, A., Menicucci, D., & Rutigliano, G. (2021). Unconscious processing of subliminal stimuli in panic disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews.
- Cesari, V., Galgani, B., Gemignani, A., & Menicucci, D. (2021). Enhancing qualities of consciousness during online learning via multisensory interactions. Behavioral Sciences, 11(5), 57.
- Cesari, V., Marinari, E., Laurino, M., Gemignani, A., & Menicucci, D. (2021). Attention-Dependent Physiological Correlates in Sleep-Deprived Young Healthy Humans. Behavioral Sciences, 11(2), 22
- Malloggi, E., Menicucci, D., Cesari, V., Frumento, S., Gemignani, A., & Bertoli, A. (2021, March 24). Lavender aromatherapy: a systematic review from essential oil extraction and administration to cognitive enhancing effects.
- OrrĂ¹, G., Bertelloni, D., Cesari, V., Conversano, C., & Gemignani, A. (2021). Targeting temporal parietal junction for assessing and treating disembodiment phenomena: a systematic review of TMS effect on depersonalization and derealization disorders (DPD) and body illusions. AIMS neuroscience, 8(2), 181.
- Menicucci, D., Di Gruttola, F., Cesari, V., Gemignani, A., Manzoni, D., & Sebastiani, L. (2020). Task-independent electrophysiological correlates of motor imagery ability from kinaesthetic and visual perspectives. Neuroscience, 443, 176-187.
- OrrĂ¹, G., Cesari, V., Baroni, M., Conversano, C., Ciacchini, R., Menicucci, D., & Gemignani, A. (2020). Letter to the Editor: the application of transcranial direct current stimulation on phantom phenomena. Mediterr J Clin Psychol, 8.
- Menicucci, D., Laurino, M., Marinari, E., Cesari, V., & Gemignani, A. (2019, November). The PERFORM Mask: A Psychophysiological sEnsoRs Mask FOr Real-Life Cognitive Monitoring. In International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare (pp. 86-93). Springer, Cham.
- Orru, G., Cesari, V., Conversano, C., & Gemignani, A. (2020). The clinical application of transcranial direct current stimulation in patients with cerebellar ataxia: a systematic review. International Journal of Neuroscience, 1-8.
- Orru, G., Baroni, M., Cesari, V., Conversano, C., Hitchcott, P. K., & Gemignani, A. (2019). The effect of single and repeated tDCS sessions on motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease: a systematic review. Archives italiennes de biologie, 157(2-3), 89-101.
- valentina.cesari@phd.unipi.it
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