Valentina Cesari

Phd Student in Clinical Physiopathology - Academic Year 2020-2021
Curriculum: Bio-Psychological and Statistical
Research project: CYBORG: Cognitive and psYchological skills enhancement in roBOtic assisted suRGery. Paving the road for excellent robotic surgeons
Supervisor: Prof. Angelo Gemignani

Valentina Cesari is a Ph.D. student in Clinical Physiopathology, Bio-Psychological and Statistical area, at University of Pisa. Her research interests focus on the role of embodiment in enhancing cognitive skills and stress management in robotic assisted surgeons. She is interested in defining professional goals to be reached by novice robotic surgeons and programming personalized interventions aimed at enhancing their crucial skills to reach proficiency. Her research interests include: peripheral and central electrophysiologic correlates of embodiment and cognitive functions; peripheral and central electrophysiological correlates of consciousness and its related non-ordinary states; non-invasive neurostimulation techniques to modulate motor and cognitive functions; the impact of stress on cognitive, emotional and behavioral domains in healthy and psychopathological conditions.

