Professor Alessandro Antonelli
Full Professor of Internal Medicine
Prof. Antonelli is currently Full Professor of Internal Medicine in the Department of Surgical, Medical and Molecular Pathology and Critical Care, University of Pisa, Director of the Immuno-Endocrine Section of Internal Medicine, and Director of a Laboratory of Primary Human Cells, Azienda Ospedaliera-Universitaria Pisana, Pisa, Italy. His areas of expertise are Autoimmune Thyroid Disorders, Thyroid Cancer, Systemic autoimmune disorders, HCV, Type 1 Diabetes, Cytokines and Chemokines.
Some of his main research activity outcomes are: a) He showed the appearance of thyroid cancer in children from Belarus after the Chernobyl accident; b) He first demonstrated the importance of the chemokines CXCL10, CXCL9, CXCL11 and CCL2 in the pathogenesis of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Graves’ disease and Graves’ ophthalmopathy, and in thyroid cancer; c) He first showed the efficacy of novel tyrosine-kinase inhibitors in primary cell cultures of dedifferentiated thyroid cancer; d) He studied the association of thyroid autoimmune disorders and systemic autoimmune diseases; e) He studied the Covid epidemiology in patients with systemic autoimmune diseases.
His researches have been published in more than 400 articles on International journals (Impact Factor >1600; H index 76).
- alessandro.antonelli@unipi.it
- +39-050-992318