Statistics for research
The PhD Course in Clinical Physiopathology offers his students the “Statistics for research” course. The course is open for 1st year students: its aim is to provide the knowledge of Descriptive and Inferential Biomedical Statistics. At the end of the course the PhD candidates will be able to use the software for the data analysis (XLSTAT, R and Comprehensive Meta-analysis) and to evaluate the scientific literature.
The course is about the following topics:
- Sample size analysis
- Randomization
- Normality tests
- Correlation and association tests
- Concordance
- Equivalence and non-inferiority tests
- ROC analysis
- Survival analysis
- Panel studies
- Multivariable regressions
- Development and validation of a questionnaire
- Factor analysis
- Principal component analysis
- Correspondence analysis
- Meta-analysis
- Meta-regressions
- Statstical graphics

Prof. Mario Miccoli
Associate professor in Statistics
